Compile x264 for Android
This tutorial is to generate shared library that ffmpeg needed to enable x264 support for different platforms (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips).
1. Download and Unzip x264
Download x264 from the link.
2. Download build scripts of ffmpeg & x264 for android ndk from my repository
Link to my ffmpeg + x264 build scripts repository
3. Copy build scripts into x264 folder
Copy the scripts inside build-scripts-of-ffmpeg-x264-for-android-ndk-master/x264 to your downloaded x264 src code folder. Ex.
cp build-scripts-of-ffmpeg-x264-for-android-ndk-master/x264/* x264/
Open text editor, check each build script, whether the ndk path and toolchain path are correct or not.
#check the paths bellow, make sure any words is correct.
#for ex. if you want to build shared libraries for arm64, the lowest platform level is 21. for 32 bits, usually i choose android-18. (as you want)
4. Run the build-all script for generating all platform shared library
Run the build-all script and wait for it, you can check the console logs in case there is an error.
cd x264
5. After compiling success
After compiling success, you will see an folder called android including all platform libraries inside your ffmpeg folder.
╭─yesimroy@RoyMBPR ~/Documents/x264
╰─$ ls android
arm arm64 mips mips64 x86 x86_64